An EMG test is used to measure the electrical activity in muscles or nerves. This test is necessary for diagnosing a variety of conditions such as

Montana Work Comp Solutions
Don't Settle For Less Than You Deserve
If you’ve been injured on the job in Montana, you are entitled to compensation under the law. We’ll help make sure you’re getting what you deserve under the law.
Get a Free Case Review
Navigating a Work Comp Claim Can Feel Like Putting Your Life On Hold
The Montana Workers’ Compensation Act is a complex mixture of statutes, case law, and local custom. Navigating those legal waters without experience — during a time when you’re probably feeling overwhelmed or confused — can feel like putting your entire life on hold.
But you need to resolve your claim quickly so you can get the medical and financial help you need to get certainty and get back on track.
You Should Consider a
Workers' Compensation Attorney If...
You've Been Denied an Insurance Claim
According to the Montana Department of Labor and Industry’s most recent published study of the system, insurers deny 38% of all claims. We challenge denials every day resulting in accepted claims or settlements.
You're Not Sure What Your Claim Is Worth
Every claim is different. But we know what factors drive the value of claims. And we know how to make your claim worth more.
You're Overwhelmed By the Legal Process
The work comp system is full of professionals — adjusters, nurse case managers, and investigators — all working to get you out of the system as quickly as possible at the lowest cost possible. It is normal to feel overwhelmed. We can even the odds.
You're Wondering If You Should Hire An Attorney
The question to ask is not “HOW can you do this?” Rather, you should ask “WHO can help you do this?” The sooner we can review your claim, the sooner we can get you on the right track to a fair resolution of your claim.

You Don’t Have to Do It Alone — Get Hands On Help From An Experienced Work Comp Attorney
Solving a work comp dispute can often be messy, complicated, and stressful. But you don’t have to do it alone. Montana Work Comp Solutions helps you remove the barriers between you and a fair settlement, so you can get back to living your life. We make a difference for our clients.
Expert Legal Guidance
With decades of experience navigating the Montana work comp system, we know how to get results for our clients.
Maxiumum Benefit
We’ve had experience on both sides of the work comp system, so we know how to get the best payout possible.
Complete Confidence
With an experienced attorney taking care of your claim, you can proceed confidently knowing your best interests are the focus.
We'll Review Your Case For Free
Get started with an experienced work comp attorney in 3 simple steps. We make it easy!
Submit Your Case
Simply fill out the case review form, or for the fastest service, call us any time to give us the details of your situation, no matter where you are in the claims process.
Get Reviewed
We schedule a time to talk at your convenience, in person or by phone. You won’t be limited by the clock. We will talk as long as necessary to understand your claim and the issues you need to understand.
Move Forward
Based on our conversation, we will give you a roadmap to the future of your claim and help you understand the steps you can take to improve your position.

Hurt at Work: An Insider’s Guide to Understanding your Montana Work Comp Claim
Knowledge Is Power
Be the learner — not the lesson!
Browse our articles, recordings, and videos to learn more about your claim and the Montana work comp system.

Understanding What the Rehabilitation Counselor is Doing in Your Montana Work Comp Claim
Employability Assessment If your claim is accepted and you are off work for a fair amount of time, you may have to meet with a vocational counselor

Why You Can’t Get your Prescription Filled.
Easily one of the most common and frustrating experiences for a workers’ compensation claimant is when their physician prescribes a needed medication

Get Control of Your Life Again
Call or text today and tell us about yourself and your work comp claim. We’ll help you find real solutions that meet your needs as quickly as possible, so you can finally get back to living life.